The Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) is taken up by millions of high school students all around the world to get into various colleges in the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Singapore, and Canada. It’s one of the most sought-after and common assessments amongst students.
It offers a fair competition to all those who opt to take it and is accepted by most of the American and foreign universities. It also offers the flexibility of taking the test several times over a period of three-four months giving high school students a chance to re-evaluate themselves and perform better in the next SAT.
The SAT tests focus on assessing the skills and knowledge acquired by a student in high school and middle school in terms of their logical and reasoning abilities, depth of knowledge in a particular subject and their vocabulary. It is able to cover all the dimensions to make sure your child is ready to attend University.
Though the SAT provides kids with an opportunity to a new phase of life in terms of education, adulthood and personality development; getting a good score requires strategic planning to be done a few months beforehand. With the various number of SAT test dates available around the year, students need to fix a date on which they want to attend the SAT test.
Below is a table showing SAT dates for 2019-2020 and tentative score release dates:-
As we can see, the SAT is conducted several times annually and the earliest date from now for giving the SAT test in 2019 is last week of August, which is about two months from now. Usually high school kids take about 2-3 months on an average to prepare for the SAT test. So the best time to start your SAT prep is during the summer-break. That is the time when children have some time off from high school activities, and can start their SAT practice from the comfort of their homes or public libraries. So if you’re looking to give the PSAT or the SAT in 2019-20, then the SAT Summer Program is the right one for you.
The College Board has given students the liberty of taking the SAT test 38 TIMES in a lifetime! Although universities accept only 6 of the most recent SAT test scores at once, hence its better to clear the SAT with a good score at the earliest, to save up on all the time, energy and SAT test fee spent giving it over and over again (about $60 and $46 with and without the SAT essay respectively).
Students also have the option of writing the SAT essay along with the test, depending upon which Universities they’re applying to. Different colleges have different policies when it comes to accepting new applicants, in terms of SAT cut-off scores, SAT essays and extra-curricular activities. So before registering for the SAT test, it’s better to shortlist your dream colleges or universities and read up on their admission policies, requirements and acceptance rate. Whether these colleges accept SAT essays or not? Whether they need certain SAT subject Tests depending upon the course you’re applying to or not? So on and so forth.
By considering these factors while prepping for the SATs, studying becomes easier and less confusing, showing children a determined path and plan of action. This will also give students and parents a sense of confidence and control over their preparation.
Researching and planning for the SATs on your own can be a mind-boggling and time-consuming experience! Especially if you are planning to give the SAT test within 2-3 months. In order to make your journey through the SAT test prep easier, we at eTutorWorld provide hands-on and personalized live tutoring for all SAT subjects. We also provide free SAT practice worksheets and SAT practice tests to prep and improve your SAT score.
Personalized guidance by expert academic counselors helps students to set up a plan of action and study schedule. eTutorWorld also guides students to register for the SATs and decide on setting a date for the SAT test, given their preparation and confidence, all from the comfort of your home!
We also provide counseling to students and parents who want to improve their SAT scores in the next assessment and help students improve their weaknesses. eTutorWorld is a COMPLETE PACKAGE DEAL for your child’s SAT preparation experience. We can prove that to you with a free SAT online tutoring class we offer to every new student looking for external expertise and guidance in the SAT test prep. So go ahead and register for a Free SAT personalized lesson with eTutorWorld and get accepted into your dream college! (No credit card details needed during registration).