“Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth (CTY)” utilizes the SCAT test (“Scholastic and College Ability Test”) to scrutinize the talents of children who are not averse to competing with other gifted children by taking grade above tests conducted by the center.
Being able to qualify is indeed a great way of being assured that your child is talented academically. Sure, the school has an assessment process of its own but acing the class by taking the same level tests is no way to gauge their ability as the marks obtained will not demonstrate the actual level of intelligence that your kid possesses.
Taking the Johns Hopkins SCAT test, on the other hand, will enable you to understand how gifted your child is since he/she would be taking the above grade test this time. Surprisingly, SCAT test questions are also employed by certain schools to check the progress of their students.
Yes! You do want your kid to improve that is why you are so eager to have her take the test.
You would be well advised to have your child take the elementary SCAT test if she is currently in Grade 3, 4, 5 or 6. Intermediate level of SCAT test has been designed for Grades 6 to 9 while the Advanced test offered by the “Johns Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth” is meant for students of Grades 9 to 12.
Remember that the University provides sample questions for every level of the test. So, help your children prepare perfectly by going through the website properly in order to obtain total information pertaining to SCAT test prep. Simply getting a high score is not going to be enough though.
You must make sure that your child bests the competitors successfully. You do not have to goad the kid to study hard as your little kid is well aware of the challenges in front.However, you can always ensure the following thereby enabling your child to better herself…
• Prioritize– While it would be commendable to spend an equal time practicing for both the verbal and quantitative sections, you might ask your kid to focus on the area that appears to be a trifle more challenging initially. However, it is important to time the SCAT practice test in order to be able to solve all 55 questions at one go without losing track.
• Vocabulary– It would also be helpful to master the affixes as well as the roots of words in order to enhance her vocabulary. Being able to decipher the meaning instantly makes it easier to comprehend and that is half the battle won.
• Mathematical Operations– Comparing quantities and identifying the answer perfectly can be done within minutes once your child has mastered the concept behind the Math
questions properly
• Forgo Night Study– Ask your kid to rest adequately and help her relax and take some time off by playing a physical sport. Cramming throughout the day and then studying well after midnight is a strict no-no. The age-old adage of practice makes perfect works here as well. Introduce your kid to SCAT Practice test so that the prep time is vastly reduced while the outcome remains assured with the help of SCAT prep worksheets.